307 N Union Street
Olean, NY 14760

Local: 716-373-0010
Fax: 716-373-6496
Hours: Mon. - Fri. | 9 - 5 EST
Sat. | 10:30 - 2 EST

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Eades Discount Wallpaper & Fabric Inc. Family owned and operated for 82 years.


Eade's Wallpaper & Fabric is happy to add Designtex wallcovering to their collections.

Designtex is the leading company in the development, design, and manufacturing of applied materials for the commercial wallcovering built environment.

Designtex is a recognized innovator in the research and development of textile fabrics, wallcoverings, and digitally imaged materials with reduced environmental impact. Many faux wallcovering and grasscloth like patterns for a very clean professional look.

Please submit your information on our easy to use quote form or call tollĀ­free 1-877-229-9427. Our showroom is eager to answer any questions you may have.