You’ve made an investment in your new wallcovering and you deserve a professional finish! Pre-planning will save you time and help eliminate mistakes. Before pre-planning your layout, keep in mind, your wallpaper will EXPAND anywhere from 1/4″ to 1/2″ when wet or pasted. Test a piece and allow for this when measuring.
As a general rule, start in the most visible corner planning to meet in the least visible corner in your room and measure the width of your paper around the room in both directions meeting in your inconspicuous corner. Try to avoid small strips (2″ or smaller) in corners or around windows, doors, cabinets, etc. If you are only doing one wall (especially full length 8′ pieces like in a bedroom), start somewhere in the middle, work your way to each corner, marking off off where your pieces will fall as you go. Try to avoid any small strips in the corners.
When pre-planning
– Be sure to take into account if you have window sills that you will be wrapping. Plan your layout so there will be sufficient paper to wrap inside your sills without having to strip in a piece.